
Posts Tagged ‘addiction’

God’s Own Sense – Resurrecting The Power Of A Woman

July 30, 2012 21 comments


Men are more prone to become addicts than women. But it becomes difficult for women to quit as compared to men.

The reasons behind women addiction are very different than in men. These could be as a result of violence, biased treatment, harassment and relationship issues to name a few.

Women are the pillars of our society upon which the solidarity and nourishment of our future depends.

They are the strongest. Sometimes, they just need to be reminded of the same.





Still figuring out what went flawed.

You’ve always been so spotless.

Epitome of grace and resolve.

A spirit fabricated with firmness.











Don’t talk as if you’ve lost all.

To create has been your forte.

Indiscriminate judges of morality.

To wrong you, who are they?











You drown yourself in adieu

of some mirror images broken.

The cautious self inside speaks

of the end, an abyss, mistaken.











Credibility of emotions unrealized.

Self-disrespect hurts the core.

Rise with your endless resilience.

Bestowed are you with eternal adore.











Honour the birth of faith inside.

An aura of pristine influence.

Summon the might, usher it now.

In you lies the God’s own sense.




Prescribed Optimism

July 28, 2012 21 comments

Addiction is a complex but treatable condition. It is characterized by compulsive drug craving, seeking and use that persist even if the user is aware of severe adverse consequences. 

Addicts are not insane or inhuman. They have taken just one bad decision in life which is too strong and too cruel to just go away.

We need to be the support and the inspiration they need. We need to get them back to “living” their life with patience, care and appreciation.


Why am I not supposed to show

the hurt that shivers up my core.

Pebbles of tears that I hold inside.

All the Godly courage lost, galore.








Of those I have walked along,

fighting with prescribed optimism.

More men have fallen but unbroken.

Pledges plagued with cynicism.









The type of desires I’ve known

cripples the will to survive.

Begging illusions to fade away.

Reality recedes, demons pry.










Nibbling upon the lost worth.

Fumes of prayers in dread.

This drug is not going to kill me.

But leave me undead.